Spring Member Event
May 23, 1:00pm to 4:30pm
The meeting will be held using an online video conference on ZOOM! Last Fall’s Zoom membership meeting was a great success, with participants commenting that they enjoyed being able to watch the painting demonstration up close. And some members painted along in their studios and kitchens as they watched.
At the Spring Event, we will have a presentation by Susan Shear, an Art Industry Consultant. She will discuss such matters as how to move your painting from a hobby to a livelihood and how to use the internet to promote your art. Afterwards, we will have a painting demonstration by Rick Surowizc.
There is no fee for this year's meeting! All you have to do is RSVP at this link. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom video conference info.
Thank you all! We look forward to seeing you online this year!
Brief Agenda
1:00 pm – Susan Shear, Art Industry Professional, Presentation on Taking your art to the next level.
2:30 – Artist’s Demonstration by Rick Surowiz